Ship Delay Warning! Carry out military missions in multiple sea areas and continue to ban navigation

The Maritime Safety Administration of the People's Republic of China recently issued an announcement that from March 30 to April 10, 2022, many sea areas such as the northern Yellow Sea, South China Sea, and Beibu Gulf of the Bohai Strait will be banned for military missions. It may have a certain impact on the shipping schedule of some ports, and the ships will open late and arrive late. Please be prepared for the cargo owner and forwarder.

1. Liaohang Police 34/22, performing military missions in the northern part of the Yellow Sea, Bohai Strait
According to the Dalian Maritime Safety Administration: The northern part of the Yellow Sea in the Bohai Strait will be held at 1600 on March 27 to 1600 on April 10
1) 38-51.7N 121-38.2E;
2) 38-34.2N 121-38.2E;
3) 38-33.9N 121-07.9E;
4) 38-48.2N 121-14.1E
Perform military tasks within the range of the points. No entry.

2. Guangdong Aviation Police 30/22, military exercise in the waters near Shanwei in the South China Sea
According to the Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration: In the South China Sea, from 0800 on March 30 to 1800 on March 31, military exercises will be held in the sea area connected by the following four points:
(1) 22-40-00N 115-17-18E,
(2) 22-40-00N 115-23-18E,
(3) 22-34.00N 115-23-18E,
(4) 22-34.00N 115-17-18E.
Vessels are prohibited from entering.

3. Qionghang Police 0038/22, South China Sea Military Exercise
According to Hainan Maritime Safety Administration: South China Sea, from 0700 on March 30, 2022 to 1900 on April 1, at 19-23.10N 110-52.40E, 19-23.10N 110-56.52E, 19-19.67N 110-52.40 Military training is carried out in the water area connecting the points of E and 19-19.67N 110-56.52E, and it is forbidden to enter.

4. Qionghang Police 0036/22, Beibu Gulf live ammunition training
According to Hainan Maritime Safety Administration: Beibu Gulf, from 0700 on March 30th to 1800 on April 1st, will be at 19-48.00N/108-40.00E, 19-48.00N/108-46.00E, 19-42.00N/108 - 46.00E and 19-42.00N/108-40.00E points to connect the water area for live fire training. No entry.

5. Qionghang Police 34/22, Military Training in the South China Sea
According to Hainan Maritime Safety Administration: South China Sea, from 0730 on March 25, 2022 to 1800 on April 7 at 18-15.0N 110-10.0E, 18-15.0N 110-30.0E, 18-05.0N 110-30.0E Military training is carried out within the water area connecting the points of 18-05.0N 110-10.0E, and it is forbidden to enter.

6. Qionghang Police 33/22, Military Training in the South China Sea
According to Hainan Maritime Safety Administration: South China Sea, from 0900 on March 19, 2022 to 1800 on April 9 at 17-32.0N 108-16.0E, 17-32.0N 109-22.0E, 17-02.0N 109-22.0E , 17-02.0N 108-30.0E and 17-22.0N 108-16.0E military training is carried out within the waters connecting the points, and it is forbidden to enter.

I would like to remind that ships have passed through the above sea areas recently, which may cause some port ships to arrive late and sail later, and the sailing schedule may be delayed. To keep abreast of relevant information, please each owner and forwarder understand each other.